The Finance Doctor

Finance, M.D. is a physician, currently practicing as an Anesthesiologist. As of 2013, he has passed all three levels of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exams, all in his first attempts. He received his  Masters of Business Administration degree in 2008. He received his certification as a securities specialist from the Philippine Stock Exchange in 2009.


When I started learning about finance and investments, I realized that there was hardly any material on those subjects that a newbie can easily understand. There were hardly any entry level books about investments. If ever there are, those books are more about empowerment and motivation, like “how to take control of your finances to take control of your life” type of stuff. 

What I learn about finance – and I still have a lot to learn – I plan to share them with others in simple, easy to understand terms. This blog will not be about graphs, charts, numbers, acronyms, etc. that only finance experts can make sense of. Making money is hard enough, understanding it shouldn’t be.


– Finance MD


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